Hello, I'm Brodie Friday

I am a computer science student passionate about computer programming.

I will graduate Western Illinois University in December of 2022 with my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I am seeking opportunities to join a highly motivated software development team where I can deliever exceptional code.

GPA Calculator

Application built in VS Code using Java to calculate gradepoint average on a standard 4.0 scale.


Application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, desgined for the younger generation that allows them to learn about different species of animals in a fun engaging way.

Score Card

Application built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript that takes the work out of scoring whitetail antlers.



Java, Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP


Version control, VirtualBox, Google Cloud Platform

Team Collaboration

experience with ticketing system (Request Tracker)


VS Code, Eclipse, NetBeans, Sublime Text, Github


Software Development
Object-oriented programming
Software architecture
Agile development methodolgoies


Google Cloud Essentials
Google Developer Essentials

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